For entrepreneurs – how I used Facebook this week to connect with local business prospects I didn’t know previously

Just a quick note as Social Media continues to explode new
ways to connect and re-connect faster than ever before.

Just this week, in looking for referrals for a key project
I’m working on,I was given a couple local names that may be
a good fit.

In the past, I may have called them directly using the 3rd-
party reference, but still essentially coming “out-of-the-blue”
and “cold”.

What I was able to do instead this week, was find them on
Facebook and discover we have several mutual “friends” including
the person who referred me.

So rather than call them immediately, I sent them a quick
message referencing our mutual contacts and shared interests,
and that I was looking forward to connecting further.

They immediately reciprocated, and now I have a channel for
creating “familiarity”, as Facebook expert Robert Grant puts it,
and building a connection from which it will be much easier
to then explore the possibilities of collaborating on a project,
rather than approaching them “cold” when they still have almost no
reference for how I fit into their “map of the world”.

So Facebook (as well as Twitter and other forms of social media)
now allow avenues of communication and connection that previously
didn’t exist–and which can happen fast–to create new associations,
partnerships, and business and personal results, depending
on what you’re seeking.

Little nuggets like this can transform the way you do business,
and make it a lot more rewarding and fun as well, and if you’d
like to dive in and learn more right away, I just learned of a
recorded interview of Robert Grant (from yesterday) on how to
use Facebook effectively for business.  Robert is interviewed by
online educator and entrepreneur Alex Mandossian, and you can
access the interview right here (affiliate link).

If this is an area that interests you, I’d hop on this first
thing this weekend, as I understand there’s some special training
you can choose to access as a result, but only until Midnight


Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

2 thoughts on “For entrepreneurs – how I used Facebook this week to connect with local business prospects I didn’t know previously”

  1. Ben, you’re so right about using real connections…to build new real connections. Your phrase, “their map of the world” is right on. Thanks for your insights!

  2. Thanks, Christy – got that phrase from the first time I heard Robert Grant being interviewed, and it’s a great reminder & perspective for anytime we’re building new connections and relationships – in business & in life!

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